TCO21 Eastern
Asia Regional Event

This year everyone had the chance to qualify for a TCO21 Regional Event. We divided the world into various geo-regions to make sure not only members of the host country but members from the particular region can win a ticket and qualify for the regionals.
Our world is still not back to normal so we are going to make the most of our TCO21 Regional Events. All the rules and norms are out the window so we’ve got a fresh, new exciting experience ready for you!
Congratulations to our TCO21 Eastern Asia Regional Event champions!

Congratulations to our shining star of this region!
Countries in this Region
The following countries/regions are part of this region:Mainland China | Hong Kong |
Macau | Japan |
Mongolia | Taiwan |
South Korea |
No Data Available
No Data Available
No Data Available
No Data Available
No Data Available
No Data Available
Event Details
The event will include:
The event will include the following competitions with interesting cash prizes and sponsor swag. More details on the competition rules would be available close to the event.
Algorithm Competition - Bracket Style - Single Elimination
Design Competition - Bracket Style - Single Elimination
Development Competition
QA - Software Testing Competition
Networking Opportunities and Breakout Games
The event will include fun competitions to award you Topcoder Swag. It will also allow you to mingle with other Topcoder members in your region and meet some cool sponsors!
Live Sessions and Discussions
The event also gives you an opportunity to meet and interact with the best of the best in the form of various sessions that are a part of the event.
Developer and Sponsor Sessions,
Algorithm Bracket Tournament - Live Commentary,
Post Match Analysis
In-Person Event or a Virtual Event?
To be honest, we don’t know. We will wait and make the call as soon as we can be based on the world’s Coronavirus situation. We truly want this to be an in-person event and if we feel we can safely do that, we will. Stay tuned…
The event will be a day event, and the schedule will be available closer to the event.
When will I receive my event kit?
Once you fill your acceptance form with all the details, we will start working on shipping you your event kit.
My internet connection is very slow so how will I be a part of the games and events?
We think your internet connection should just be suitable to allow you to participate in Topcoder Contests. You can always watch the live sessions later as they will be recorded. In terms of networking opportunities, we will have some games hosted on the Slack Channel too so it will become easier for you to participate in those.
Can I experience the platform you are using to host all the events before the event?
Yes for sure, we will be running a demo event 2 days before the actual event to allow you to join in and experience the features of the platform.
How to Qualify
These exclusive events are invite-only meaning you have to win a ticket to attend. You have to compete in Topcoder Challenges, SRMs, or Marathon Matches launched during TCO21 Stage 3 (January 2021 to March 2021) to earn TCO21 Points.
Each track has different criteria for point allocation. Read the track-specific TCO21 rules to learn more about scoring and point allocation.
Members are then invited to the event according to their placement on the regional leaderboard. A minimum amount of 20 members per track would be definitely invited. However, this number may go up depending on the participation, sponsors, location and venue.
Sign Up For Updates
Want the latest news on the TCO Event for this region? Click the button below to be one of the first people to know what to expect for this epic gathering of Topcoder members!
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We are looking for sponsors for the event, who are looking to hire local talent or showcase their technologies, API’s and products to the amazing tech audience.
Send a quick note to and we would be happy to help you be a part of this event!
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